Report Corruption, Sexual Abuse, Harassment or Sexual Exploitation Now
You can raise your concern at any time about an incident that happened in the past, is happening now, or you believe will happen in the near future.
Your personal information will be kept confidential but you may also choose not to indicate it.
As a whistle blower you should also know that you are protected by the law; you should not be treated unfairly or lose your job for reporting corrupt practices.
If you are not comfortable reporting to NONM
Malpractices perpetrated by NONM staff, NEC members or its leadership please contact;
Malawi Anti Corruption Bureau on toll free line 113 or +265 888 208 963
or Malawi Human Rights Commission on +265 1 750 900/+265 1 831 945 / 946 / 935 or your nearest Police Station or call through the toll free numbers 0800 990 997 or 990 or 997